Following recent changes to departmental responsibilities, the functions of the former Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts are transitioning to new departments. Work is underway to update departments’ websites.

Racism. It stops with me.

Racism. It stops with me.

The Australian Human Rights Commission's campaign, Racism. It stops with me, invites all Australians – at the individual and organisational level – to reflect on what they can do to counter racism, whenever it happens.

Racism can occur among individuals and at institutional levels. It often manifests through unconscious bias or prejudice. Racism can take many forms, such as jokes that cause offence or hurt; or public commentary that inflames hostility towards certain groups. Regardless, its impact is always profoundly damaging. It makes people feel excluded, impacts negatively on mental and physical health and it can entrench vulnerabilities in our communities.

Queensland is home to people from more than 220 countries and territories, who speak more than 180 languages and embrace more than 110 religious beliefs. This diversity is one of our greatest strengths.

The Queensland Government plays an instrumental role in fostering positive community relations and social cohesion for Queensland's increasingly diverse and growing population. The Queensland Multicultural Policy, Our story, our future (PDF) outlines the Queensland Government's commitment to taking action against racism and clearly states 'Racism has no place in Queensland'.

We can all make a difference by encouraging understanding, acceptance and respect in our communities, including where we work, study and volunteer. Celebrating our diversity, supporting connected and welcoming communities and building a narrative of inclusion and respect can help change attitudes and reduce the negative impacts of racism.

DES's key initiatives which promote Queensland as a united, harmonious and inclusive state:

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Cultural acknowledgement

We pay our respects to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ancestors of this land, their spirits and their legacy. The foundations laid by these ancestors—our First Nations peoples—give strength, inspiration and courage to current and future generations towards creating a better Queensland.

Our human rights commitment

We will respect, protect and promote human rights within our decision-making and actions.