To safeguard service delivery and support quality outcomes, the Queensland Government recognises the need to ensure that the service system is sustainable, efficient and effective.
The Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland (ECCQ) receives funding to engage culturally diverse organisations in sector development activities to support the availability, development and sustainability of high-quality community-based organisations across the sector, with particular regard to small and emerging ethnic community groups and regional areas.
ECCQ develops resources and templates, delivers educational workshops, and offers individual support across Queensland. Workshops to strengthen governance, such as becoming incorporated, roles and responsibilities for committee members, strategic planning, financial management, evaluation and monitoring, are delivered via face-to-face, Zoom and online through the ECCQ Online Learning Hub.
In addition, workshops aimed at active community members and community leaders on topics including: mental health, domestic and family violence, discussing difficult topics, leadership and advocacy, as well as navigating government systems are presented in person in South-East Queensland and in a number of regional locations each year.
ECCQ also provides support and training to build the capability of organisations to access funding. This includes education workshops and meetings to support grant applications and grant management. ECCQ's Online Learning Hub features online courses on project design, grant writing and other key topics, along with downloadable resources.
For more information about ECCQ's Multicultural Community Sector Development Program and to view the workshop schedule, please visit their website at Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland.
Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland Ltd
Community Development Team
Telephone: (07) 3844 9166
Mobile: 0413 512 961