Asylum Seeker and Refugee Assistance program
The Queensland Multicultural Policy 'Our story, our future' makes a firm commitment that no matter how people came here or where they came from, the Queensland Government will support all of the people of Queensland to participate and feel like they belong.
The Asylum Seeker and Refugee Assistance (ASRA) program has been established to support the needs of people seeking asylum and vulnerable refugees on temporary visas in Queensland.
Program details
The ASRA program provides funding for Communify Queensland and its service partners to deliver financial and material aid, case management and coordination support to vulnerable people in defined target client groups, including people seeking asylum and people with a temporary protection visa residing in Queensland.
The Queensland Government has invested over $10 million in funding under the ASRA program since 2019-20 with an ongoing commitment of $2.075 million in funding each year. Additional funding of $4.814 over two years from 2024-25 has also been invested to expand support available under the program.
The ASRA program seeks to:
- alleviate financial hardship and mental distress of those within the target client groups who require emergency relief.
- provide case coordination to assist participants to access relevant assistance or achieve greater independence through employment.
- increase capacity and wellbeing of vulnerable Temporary Protection Visa (TPV) and Safe Haven Enterprise Visa (SHEV) holders and their families residing in Queensland. This includes creating better opportunities to participate in the economy and the community or assistance to meet permanent pathway requirements.
Funded organisation
Communify Queensland works in collaboration with a range of like-minded agencies and organisations including the Refugee and Immigration Legal Service (RAILS), Queensland Program of Assistance to Survivors of Torture and Trauma (QPASTT), Multicultural Australia, World Wellness Group and the Indooroopilly Uniting Church