Following recent changes to departmental responsibilities, the functions of the former Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts are transitioning to new departments. Work is underway to update departments’ websites.

Multicultural Policy and Action Plan

'Our story, our future' is the Queensland Government's Multicultural Policy (PDF, 3 MB) promoting an inclusive, harmonious and united Queensland.

The Multicultural Policy focuses the Queensland Government's commitment for people from culturally diverse backgrounds and for Queensland as a whole across three priorities:

  1. achieving culturally responsive government
  2. supporting inclusive, harmonious and united communities
  3. improving economic opportunities.

By focusing on these priorities, the Queensland Government will support equality of opportunity for all Queenslanders and harness the remarkable benefits cultural diversity offers.

The Minister for Multicultural Affairs Queensland is required to release a Multicultural Action Plan as required by Sections 20 and 21 of the Multicultural Recognition Act 2016.

Released in 2024, the fourth Queensland Multicultural Action Plan (PDF, 2.1 MB) Queensland Multicultural Action Plan (DOCX, 5.3 MB) presents the actions the Queensland Government will take from 2024-25 to 2026-27 to achieve the multicultural policy priorities and ensure government services are fully accessible to people who have difficulty communicating in English. The Action Plan sets out a vision for the Queensland Government to be a leader in cultural diversity and inclusion by 2032, by focusing on delivering culturally responsive services, driving diversity and inclusion across the public sector, strengthening our economy and promoting social cohesion.

Public reporting on action plan

The Multicultural Recognition Act 2016 requires all government agencies to report publicly on their actions in the plan and provide a summary of their progress every year. This allows the community to track how the government is achieving positive change, and provides a picture of where we need to make changes to investment or services.

Agencies have prepared annual reports for the 2023-24 reporting year. Links to former government agencies' reports on the third Multicultural Action Plan are listed below.

  1. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
  2. Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services (PDF, 403 KB)
  3. Department of Education
  4. Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
  5. Department of Energy and Climate
  6. Department of Environment, Science and Innovation
  7. Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works
  8. Department of Justice and Attorney-General
  9. Department of Premier and Cabinet
  10. Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water
  11. Department of Resources
  12. Department of State Development and Infrastructure
  13. Department of Tourism and Sport
  14. Department of Transport and Main Roads
  15. Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts
  16. Department of Youth Justice
  17. Electoral Commission Queensland
  18. Legal Aid Queensland
  19. Public Sector Commission
  20. Queensland Corrective Services
  21. Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
  22. Queensland Health and Queensland Ambulance Service
  23. Queensland Human Rights Commission
  24. Queensland Mental Health Commission
  25. Queensland Police Service
  26. Queensland Treasury
  27. Residential Tenancies Authority
  28. TAFE QLD
  29. Trade Investment Queensland

Progress under previous Action Plans

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Cultural acknowledgement

We pay our respects to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ancestors of this land, their spirits and their legacy. The foundations laid by these ancestors—our First Nations peoples—give strength, inspiration and courage to current and future generations towards creating a better Queensland.

Our human rights commitment

We will respect, protect and promote human rights within our decision-making and actions.