Following recent changes to departmental responsibilities, the functions of the former Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts are transitioning to new departments. Work is underway to update departments’ websites.
Tropical Cyclone Alfred service impacts: Service centres in South East Queensland are being impacted by weather impacts associated with Tropical Cyclone Alfred. Please contact your local regional service centre to check their operating hours.

Language Services Policy

At the time of the 2021 Census 1,004,932 of Queensland residents said they used a language* other than English at home. This represents 19.4 per cent of the state's population. Of those, 90,851 said they do not speak English or do not speak it well (1.8 per cent of the state's total population).

The Queensland Government recognises that a significant number of people do not speak English well enough or are not able to communicate adequately with Queensland Government staff and Queensland Government funded non-government organisations to access services.

The Queensland Language Services Policy ((PDF, 1.4 MB)) outlines the Queensland Government's commitment to use interpreters and translated information to improve access to the full range of government and government-funded services for people with difficulty communicating in English.

The Queensland Language Services Guidelines ((PDF, 1.4 MB)) provides Queensland Government agencies with information and examples of how to implement the Queensland Language Services Policy within their department.

The Queensland Language Service Policy Data Dictionaries ((PDF, 586 KB)) defines what data is required to evaluate performance, and ensures consistency across Queensland Government agencies in the way data is captured.

The Queensland Government has released a whole of government multicultural policy, 'Our story, our future' and three year action plan to drive Queensland Government action to promote our state as a united, harmonious and inclusive community. The Language Services Policy supports the multicultural policy and action plan by providing guidance on the use of language services to ensure fair and equitable service delivery for people accessing Queensland Government services.

*Languages include migrant community languages, First Nations languages and Auslan (Australian Sign Language).

National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI)

National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters Ltd (NAATI)

NAATI is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, jointly owned by the Commonwealth, state and territory governments and incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 .

NAATI's role is to set and maintain high national standards in translating and interpreting to ensure there is a supply of appropriately credentialed translating and interpreting professionals responsive to the changing needs and demography of Australia's culturally and linguistically diverse society.

On 1 January 2018, NAATI introduced a new certification system to improve NAATI's standards. According to the system, interpreting and translating professionals need to recertify every three years upon demonstrating their currency of practice and participation in professional development. The government owners of NAATI have endorsed NAATI's certification system.

Statement of Endorsement of NAATI's certification system

Standing Offer Arrangement (SOA)

Queensland Health are the lead for the whole-of-government Language Services SOA.

HSQ81638, the Provision of Language Services (Interpreting and Translation) is available to all Queensland Government agencies and other eligible Queensland Government-funded service providers.

In accordance with principle 5.3 of the Queensland Procurement Policy (PDF, 480KB), common-use supply arrangements are mandated to achieve savings and benefits wherever practical.

Language service providers

The below language service providers are accessible via SOA arrangements:

First Nations

If you have any queries about the SOA, please email

  • Interpreter Training Boost Program

    The Interpreter Training Boost (ITB) program provides opportunities for up to 125 Queensland participants to obtain NAATI certification to work as interpreters in priority languages and deliver better communication outcomes for multicultural communities.


Interpreter and translator services

Interpreter Training Boost Program

The Interpreter Training Boost (ITB) program provides opportunities for up to 125 Queensland participants to obtain NAATI certification to work as interpreters in priority languages and deliver better communication outcomes for multicultural communities.

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Cultural acknowledgement

We pay our respects to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ancestors of this land, their spirits and their legacy. The foundations laid by these ancestors—our First Nations peoples—give strength, inspiration and courage to current and future generations towards creating a better Queensland.

Our human rights commitment

We will respect, protect and promote human rights within our decision-making and actions.