Community survey
Survey results
The Queensland Australian South Sea Islander Community Survey was undertaken in 2014 to better understand, acknowledge and respond to the needs and priorities of Queensland's Australian South Sea Islanders today.
Survey response highlights
- The three main strengths of Queensland's Australian South Sea Islander community were strong family links, the role of Australian South Sea Islanders in Queensland's economic, cultural and regional development and recognition of elders.
- The three most important things for a positive future were greater recognition of Australian South Sea Islanders' unique culture and history, Australian South Sea Islander community unity and strong well-resourced community organisations.
- Practical actions to improve Australian South Sea Islander community outcomes and culturally capable service provision should include initiatives such as:
- acknowledging and teaching Australian South Sea Islander history and culture through the school curriculum
- Australian South Sea Islander targeted or identified education and employment pathways including scholarships, cadetships, traineeships, incentive schemes and specified positions
- the provision of cultural awareness training and education for service delivery staff and employers to better understand the unique history and be responsive to the needs of Australian South Sea Islanders.
Please contact us if you would like more information about the survey results.
Multicultural Affairs Queensland
Telephone: (07) 3097 7700